Monday, December 31, 2012

Message from Señor Christian!

Hola a todos!  What a wonderful first half of the school term! I must say that, for a secondary education major, my time in the elementary program has been wonderful. Everyone is willing to learn, and I've never felt more comfortable in front of the classroom. I couldn't have asked for a better group of little Spanish learners. :)

In terms of housekeeping, I would say that sadly our numbers are declining! If you're keeping up with the blog, or would like to contact us personally/privately, I would be more than happy to get some feedback from parents. What are your kids thinking? What is working or not working with the program? Would you all like to be more involved in the processes and information of the program? Hopefully, we can work together to keep students' motivation on track!

We've covered a lot of material in the class, and we're going to continue to successfully progress in the upcoming semester! I would encourage parents and students alike to work at home and bring any questions into class! Thank you for your participation so far, and I look forward to whatever's to come!

I'll be studying in Spain in the month of January, so enjoy break and I'll see everyone upon my return!

Señor Christian

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